Allan Teger’s Bodyscape Galleries 裏頭有很多很棒的攝影圖,有些簡直棒透了。於是我猜想了一下攝影的情景:
- Allen 先是在腦子裏決定了下一次攝影的主題,於是開始找大量這類主題的參考圖片,可以的話,還會親身去體驗一下。
- 一週過了,資料收集得差不多了,拿起電話,打給配合默契非常好的模特兒 Beauty,和她約了下週三的一個下午。同時,出門去買一些小人小零件回來。
- 下週三到了,開工。Beauty 已經脫掉衣物,全裸等 Allen 的指示了,燈光師也就位了。
- 這次的主題是 Beach,Allen 指示好 Beauty 的 pose 後,在一些地方灑上了水,後來覺得效果不夠,於是使用一些黏滯力比較強一點的黏水,這樣比較好控制它的形狀。
- 一切就緒,燈光也 ok 了,Allen 努力找出最好的視角出來。卡喳、卡喳、卡喳…作品出來了。
事隔快兩年(這篇的原來發文日期是 2006/05/24),因為一個意外而又再度看到這一則文章,看著那時寫的那句「我非常喜歡女性的胸部和臀部」,忍不住覺得好笑,還真是老實與直接呀 = =。連到 Allan Teger 的網站後,發覺他有在他每一作品下標示出著作權,想到當時寫這一篇時,雖然沒有把他的作品存在自己的網站上頭,但是我網站上頭的 Daily PickUp 卻會產生一張小縮圖放在這,於是趕緊寫了封信過去,表達我對他的作品的欣賞與誤用,順道問及他對於我這樣「未告知就先引用」有什麼看法,或是要我拿掉這一篇文章也行。信的內容如下:
Hi Allan,
I did love your photographies such that I wrote a blog to introduce your great on my own blog in 2006 here ( ). in that time, I didn’t notice copyright stuff and I though that wouldn’t be a good and correct way to do that even though all I wanted to do is share my great admiration to your work though. I just wanna tell you that there is an article on my blog with reference to your photographies and all those photos are stored in your web site. But for each article on my blog, my program will generate a very tiny thumb (100x100) stored on my server. Is it ok for me to do that? What is your opinions?
Sorry for my poor English and I hope it wouldn’t confuse you :)
Allan 很快就回信了:
hi - thanks for the note and for your interest in my work! It is just fine to include my photos in your blog - they have the web address and copyright notice on them so it is not a problem at all! Its all good advertising! thanks so much for your interest and for spreading the word!