Drake's Weblog

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Python, the so-called scripting language but actually more than that, keeps sweeping this CG/Animation/VFX/Game industries in technical programming field. The bigger the stronger. I even start to doubt if PyPy could take over this situation one day by it’s natural power of strength in concurrent programming.
> 由 Aardman Animations 與 Sony Pictures Animation 合力製作,於 2011 年放映的動畫。《聖誕快遞》揭示了一個令人難以置信、以前從未見過的答案,關於每一個孩子都曾有過的問題:“究竟聖誕老人是如何在一個晚上送完這些禮物?”答案是:聖誕老人在北極擁有超高科技的協助!但是,電影中心是關於一個家庭的故事,一個有漫畫功能障礙和一個不太可靠的主角阿瑟,一個緊迫的任務,一個必須在聖誕節前黎明的晨光前完成的任務。
Ok, 重點其實不是這部動畫,而是 Aardman Animations 這家動畫公司。這家位於 far far away(相對於台灣搭飛機過去所需要的時間來看)的大不列顛王國的動畫公司,一位技術研發人員於 2010 年釋出了一則有趣的訊息出來:Photoshop Embedded Python Pipeline。把整個 Python 給整合進 Photosthop 裏頭,提供 python programmer 一個管道,可以直接透過寫 python script 來與 PS 互動。放出來的一些圖,示範了可能的互動:

1 minute read

Siggraph Asia 2011 結束後,我收到了一則問卷調查,裏頭有兩則有趣的問題,特別抓了張圖下來,結果就一直擺在電腦裏頭沒有理會了。剛剛才發現它們十足礙眼地躺在桌面上,提醒我要處理(??)一下。
{{ flickr drakeguan 6804780652 >}}
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CG Taiwaner 台灣人玩動畫在 2009 有一篇 Free CG Magazine 免費CG雜誌,給關心的人重溫一下資訊 :)

1 minute read

src: http://izmia.com/post/12931434767/gorgeous-brain-ads-for-mercedes-mercedes-icin
The following is the quote from the above image:
I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate questions and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am. I am the right brain.

1 minute read

Wonderfully, we got this cooperative research work published on IEEE TCSVT. That’s great!
The following is the quote from the press in Digimax, http://www.digimax.com.tw/2012_0216
在太極影音辛苦工作的 同仁們大家好!我們研發部門,在技術上的突破以登上各大報嚕!我們太極研發部針對動 畫人物口部的「嘴型同步捕捉技術」,在刻畫3D動畫 角色表情上有著重大突破。此項研究已發表於國際專業技術組織美國電機電子工程師學會( IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)的TCSVT (Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology)單位之中。
<img src=”http://www.digimax.com.tw/files/dgmx_TCSVT.png” width=100% />
我們是兩岸極少數具有研發能力與發表研究論文的動畫製作公司,也是台灣數位內容的旗艦企業。在各位同仁的努力之下, 太極影音在製作技術與視覺的呈現上,都已具備國際頂級動畫製作公司的水準。希望同仁們能多多支持,讓大家知道台灣也有國際級的動畫製作團隊。

1 minute read

People keep asking about “How to learn Python”, “What to study for Python” or “Recommend Python books…” for VFX/Animation Industry. And here is a brief, not confirmed but, at least, some sort of informative answer I organized on Internet.
For general Python programming:
Official Python website, http://python.org/, http://docs.python.org/tutorial/ Learn Python the hard way, http://learnpythonthehardway.org/ Dive Into Python, http://www.diveintopython.net/ How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ A Byte of Python, http://www.

1 minute read

2011 走了,民國 100 年在眾人互相廝殺的 boardgame, 美味湯頭火鍋, 以及散步看 101 煙火去中度過;2012 世界末日年也來了,我覺得 2012 年比其它年幸運,大家都記得它有個世界末日的外號,其它年份未必有這個福氣被大多數人記著。
論語《為政》篇裏頭提到“溫故而知新,可以為師矣。”參考 Tarek 的計畫,趁勢來個 2011 Python 回憶錄。
1. What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you have discovered in 2011?
virtualenv, pip, Fabric, logbook, and mongoengine.
2. What new programming technique did you learn in 2011?
map reduce, git, optimization by matlab, and TDD.
3. What’s the name of the open source project you contributed the most in 2011?

1 minute read

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After spotting this exhibitor DM, it reminds me of one un-answered question:
Do we really realize the contribution and advantages of Pixar’s RenderMan? If we don’t, how can we evaluate other renderers (ex, Arnold Renderer) in that soon without any hesitate?

3 minute read

The followings are the research titles in the trailer video with html copied from Ke-Sen’s work: SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 papers on the web.
**Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy Photographs ** Kevin Karsch, Varsha Hedau, David Forsyth, Derek Hoiem (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Modeling and Generating Moving Trees from Video Chuan Li (University of Bath), Oliver Deussen (University of Konstanz), Yizhe Song, Phil Willis, Peter Hall (University of Bath) Video Face Replacement Kevin Dale, Kalyan Sunkavalli (Harvard University), Micah K.

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