Drake's Weblog

1 minute read

Quick Answer:

from pymel import *

# Is the object.attr a source of a connection?
len(object.tx.inputs()) > 0
# Is the object.attr the destination of a connection?
len(object.tx.outputs()) > 0
# List an object.attr's source connection, meaning, list the input connection.  
# This will return a single object.attr.
# List an object.attr's destination connection, meaning, list the all output connections:
# This could return multiple object.attrs.
# In other words, you can just use inputs() and outputs() to get if there is a connection 
# (source or destination), how many connections there are, and what they are!

The following is the quotation of post from mel wiki.

Only requires a single object.attr.

// Is the object.attr a source of a connection?
connectionInfo -is object.tx;
// Is the object.attr the destination of a connection?
connectionInfo -id object.tx;
// List an object.attr's source connection, meaning, list the input connection.  
// This will return a single object.attr.
connectionInfo -sfd object.tx
// List an object.attr's destination connection, meaning, list the all output connections:
// This could return multiple object.attrs.
connectionInfo -dfs object.tx;
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