Drake's Weblog

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2010 的九月,第二次想不開,回母校修起了博士學位(或是應該說成挑戰,似乎來得合適些~)。重新回歸學生生活,其實並沒有想像中的那麼困難,尤其可以同時身兼太極影音研發團隊的一員這點來看:既有了維持生計的收入,又得以用有別於職場上的方式來充電,算是再好不過了。唯一的問題,就是寫作業…
High dynamic range (HDR) images have much larger dynamic ranges than traditional images' 256 levels. In addition, they correspond linearly to physical irradiance values of the scene. Hence, they are useful for many graphics and vision applications. In this assignment, you are asked to finish the following tasks to assemble an HDR image in a group of two.
上述就是我修 VFX 這門課的第一個作業:拍些照片;寫些程式;作些實驗;挑出張照片出來競標。
如果,把作業也整個 open source 出去,是不是會有趣些? 我的意思是,假如,整個寫作業的過程被記錄下來,然後以某種形式“開源“出去,想看的人,就可以得知我是怎麼面對這個家庭作業的:他(她)可以找到我寫的一堆 bug;有機會就拍的照片給個評論;或甚至是拿程式碼去加工也行。這也許是件有趣的事,於是試著條列下了幾個理由,在正式執行之前。

1 minute read

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
Source: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
In an interview she stated:
In Switzerland I was educated in line with the basic premise: work work work.

1 minute read

如果你和我一樣,不小心把 iTunes 的板型也變成如上圖這樣(其實很容易就做到 XD),你是該慶幸,還好之前有遠見,買了個寬螢幕呢? 還是應該咒罵這個奇怪的板型,把你的眼睛搞得很累,不曉得究竟要看哪呢? 即使它是 iTunes,是 Apple 的產品,是 Steve Jobs 的重量級軟體~
這是最早之一,也是最常見的 layouts 之一:三欄式。只是稍稍做了點變型,讓原來分屬左右的 sidebar/sides 全數擠到同一邊去了,然後再稍稍調整一下兩個 sidebars 的寬度比,製作出一種不等寬,輕重不一的視覺效果來,讓我們可以一眼就得知,即使把兩個 sidebars 放在同一邊,還是有熟輕熟重之分。
這是另一個,最最常見的版型之一:thumb view。想盡辦法把要原本要條列式的東西,改以一個一個代表的縮圖來,就成了這個樣子了。這樣的設計,總是讓我想到拼圖,看著散佈在整個桌面上的小拼圖,只能一點一點從中找出一些線索來。雖然說,散開來的小拼圖,一般是不會排列得這麼整齊的 :D
iTunes 最讓我感到驚豔的,就屬這個了。整個唱片好像活起來了似的。
最後,就是這個有點有趣又帶點奇怪的版型了,如果它把想成是 list view 與 thumb view 的結合的話,取其各自的優點,大概,就有機會長成這個樣子的吧。

版型設計真的是件有趣而神祕的事,拿 Drupal 的 Panels 這個模組來說好了,它預設就有一些如上圖的版型供你選,說實在的,真的會有人把網站弄得像是磚塊牆那樣的嗎 :D
PS. 我最愛的網站版型,大概就長得如下圖吧。

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HTML5 Word Cloud/文字雲,有趣的玩意兒。丟給它一個 rss feed,它會去挖出裏頭的文字出現頻率來,然後根據頻率大小,秀出不同大小的字來(我猜的,大概吧)。上圖是我把這個網站丟進去的結果。

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Company Description: StorySense is a software startup company that produces language-understanding applications. Established in 2009, our goal is to organize users' data in ways that are smarter than keyword search, so that it will be easy to organize and find notes, email content, Facebook feeds, as well as other forms of media that we use to capture our memories. We are currently located in Taipei on the beautiful Ren-Ai Rd., and appreciate a happy working environment and a balanced life.

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HDR: High Dynamic Range
HDRI: High Dynamic Range Imaging
I just googled “Taipei HDR” and got someting as following.

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