RenderMan 是什麼?直覺反應會覺得,它是 Pixar 這個動畫公司所研發出來的一套 renderer,算是現在電影特效與 3D 動畫業界,最舉足輕重的軟體之一。
其實呢,RenderMan 並不是這個意思…
RenderMan 這個名詞,因為大家誤用的關係,光是單講 RenderMan,它代表的意義可以有很多,而且每個都還非常的不一樣:
The RenderMan Interface Specification (RISpec)
在這裏,RenderMan 其實只是一個檔案的格規定義,就像 HTML 的其中一個意思,就是指網頁裏頭可以使用的語法的定義。遵守這個定義的檔案,一般副檔名都是 .rib,取其 RenderMan Interface Bytestream Protocol 的縮寫。是一種檔案,這個檔案可以看成是 renderer 與 3D scene software 之間的一個橋梁。簡單來說,可以把 RIB 想成是 Maya, 3DS Max, Houdini 與 renderer 之間的溝通格式。
RenderMan Shading Language
定義了寫 shader 的語法。現在的 Cg, HLSL, GLSL 都算是它的晚輩,很多地方看得到學它的影子,而且,因為 Cg 這類 shading language 都是給 GPU 用的,所以限制來得比較多。
PhotoRealistic RenderMan (PRMan)
全世界第一套實作出來,會吃 RIB 然後算出圖來的 renderer,由 Pixar 研發的。
Wonderful to hear from you. I spent a most enjoyable 12 days in Taipei last summer. I taught a 5 day class of RenderMan at DCI. Thank you for telling me about the kind words of one of my (best) students. Very encouraging.
The “RenderMan Companion” by Upstall has 3 chapters (maybe 4) devoted to shader writing. Although it is an old book, it is still very good. “Advanced RenderMan” by Apodaca and Gritz is very good although sadly it was written before the raytracing extensions were added to prman.
Dear Prof. Kesson,
I noticed your website and your work on renderman in reading the following article by one of you students.
and then I found, wow, what a great website about renderman programming and that Cutter Text Editor. and soon, I downloaded Cutter and started to think about using it for mel programming (I am not yet familiar with renderman programming) instead of gVim although I have also retrieved a full complete function list from maya doc server and made it as syntax file for vim because Cutter seems more attractive and I was very interested in that CommandPort feature.
Clearly, shaders play a crucial creative role in defining the appearance of a CG production. RenderMan has been adopted by many leading studios because it allows special purpose shaders to be added to those that already exist.
Individual shaders are small sub-routines (functions) written in a specialised programming language called the Pixar Shading Language. The language enables new shaders to extend the creative possibilities of the renderer; it allows computer artists to find endless ways of controlling the appearance of a 3D scene through the use of custom shaders.